JULY 21: The Art of the Arts Society presents James Robert Murphy

JAMES ROBERT MURPHY will present a special program at 12:45 p.m. in the parlor at the International Museum of Art at 1211 Montana Avenue (543-6747). This is the third in a series at the Museum by the "Art of the Arts Society”. His topic will be:  "The Art of Writing - As I See It."  Murphy will discuss his writing technique and how the mix of factual occurrences opens the door to embellished imagination; using truth to create descriptive fiction. Murphy will read brief passages from three books, My Life Before I Decided to Commit Suicide: A Love Story, The Right to Kill, and his latest book, The South Franklin Trinity.

 Afterwards, plan on staying for a reception and raising a glass of champagne in a toast to the continuing success of the ARTS. Then, the SUNSET FILM SOCIETY invites our guests to go downstairs to see THE INCREDIBLES, the free weekly movie following at 2pm. As always, popcorn, drinks and snacks will be available for purchase for the movie.

JAMES ROBERT MURPHY  -  Author, Musician, Artist, Entrepreneur

James Murphy earned a B.S. from the State University of New York with a concentration in Arts Management, and an M.A. from the University of Oklahoma in Administrative Leadership. He is the principle founding member of the New York State Blues Festival, serving as festival director from 1992-2003, and 2014-2015, and co-founded the Syracuse Guinness Irish Festival, serving as its festival director from 1999-2003. Both of these community events continue to be popular in Syracuse, NY. 

He and his family moved to El Paso, TX in 2004 where he first worked as managing director for El Paso Opera. He had been serving the City of El Paso as the director of development for the El Paso Museum of History since 2006 until his recent retirement.

"Austin" Jim Murphy has been a songwriter and performer since the early 1970s.